Hedysarum boreale ( Utah Sweetvetch )
Habitat sagebrush plains & foothills, dry & rocky
Soil coarse-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-18 USDA Zones 3-7
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 8-24 Width (in) 12-18
Seeds per lb 43000 Lbs per acre 41

Germination Information

Scarify and 30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall without pretreatment. Plant 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep

Other Information

var. Timp (pdf)

- from Orem Co UT, selected for seedling vigor seed production nitrogen fixation and longevity

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Hedysarum boreale

Helenium autumnale ( Sneezeweed )
Habitat Plains-montane,moist meadows
Soil coarse-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 4-9
Bloom Period Aug-Sept Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-40 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 204300 Lbs per acre 9

Germination Information

14-30 day cool moist strat. Plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Helenium autumnale

Helianthella parryi ( Little Sunflower )
Habitat Montane-subalpine, open pine forests
Soil coarse-sandy Sun full sun-part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 18-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 8-20 Width (in) 6-10
Seeds per lb 130000 Lbs per acre 13

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary Plant outside spring or summer plant to 1/4 inch deep.


--Sold Out--
Range of Helianthella parryi

Helianthella quinquenervis ( Aspen Sunflower )
Habitat Montane-Subalpine
Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 2-3
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 20-64 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 104420 Lbs per acre 17

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary, plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/4 inch deep.


Range of Helianthella quinquenervis

Helianthella uniflora ( Sagebrush Sunflower )
Habitat Sagebrush from mid to high elevation
Soil loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-30 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 15-48 Width (in) 18-24
Seeds per lb 125000 Lbs per acre 14

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary, plant outside spring or summer. Plant on soil surface or to 1/8 inch deep

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


--Sold Out--
Range of Helianthella uniflora

Helianthus annuus ( Annual Sunflower )
Habitat Widespread, disturbed soils, roadsides
Soil coarse-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-60 USDA Zones 3-9
Bloom Period July-Sept Life Span Annual
Height (in) 24-100 Width (in) 24-48
Seeds per lb 115000 Lbs per acre 15

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary, plant outside fall to early summer. Plant to 1/4 inch deep. Best germination if soil is above 45 F.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Helianthus annuus

Helianthus maxmiliani ( Maxmilians Sunflower )
Habitat Widespread, disturbed soils, roadsides
Soil coarse-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-60 USDA Zones 3-9
Bloom Period July-Oct Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 24-100 Width (in) 24-48
Seeds per lb 120000 Lbs per acre 15

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary, plant outside fall to early summer. Plant to 1/4 inch deep. Best germination if soil is above 45 F.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Helianthus maxmiliani

Helianthus nuttallii ( Marsh Sunflower )
Habitat Montane-northern G. P., wet meadows.
Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 24-60 Width (in) 12-72
Seeds per lb 217000 Lbs per acre 8

Germination Information

45 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/4 inch deep.


Range of Helianthus nuttallii

Helianthus petiolaris ( Plains Sunflower )
Habitat Plains to foothills, sandy dry soil
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-20 USDA Zones 4-7
Bloom Period July-Sept Life Span Annual
Height (in) 12-30 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 120000 Lbs per acre 15

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary or 30-90 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/4 inch deep


Range of Helianthus petiolaris

Helianthus pumilus ( Foothills Sunflower )
Habitat Foothills-montane, slopes, coarse soils
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 4-5
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 18-32 Width (in) 18-32
Seeds per lb 200000 Lbs per acre 9

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist stratification. or plant outside in the fall. Plant on soil surface and cover with a thin layer of sand


Range of Helianthus pumilus

Heliomeris multiflora ( Showy Goldeneye )
Habitat Foothills-montane, dry slopes.
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 15-24 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period July-Sept Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 10-36 Width (in) 10-36
Seeds per lb 1215000 Lbs per acre 1

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary. Plant outside fall to early summer to 1/16 inch deep.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)

USDA Plant Guide (pdf), UP Ron Bell


Range of Heliomeris multiflora

Heracleum maximum ( Cow Parsnip )
Habitat montane-alpine wet soils,streambanks
Soil sandy-clayey Sun sun-partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 2-6
Bloom Period June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 24-60 Width (in) 24-48
Seeds per lb 77000 Lbs per acre 23

Germination Information

3 day water soak then 60-120 days cool moist stratification, or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/4 inch deep. Very dormant seed, may take up to 3 years to germinate.


Range of Heracleum maximum

Heterotheca villosa ( Hairy Goldenaster )
Habitat Montane-plains dry meadows
Soil gravelly-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-30 USDA Zones 4-8
Bloom Period June-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-12 Width (in) 8-18
Seeds per lb 336,000 Lbs per acre4

Germination Information

Generally non dormant. Plant outside fall or spring. Cover with thin layer of soil.


Range of Heterotheca villosa

Hymenopappus newberryi ( Newberry's Plainsman )
Habitat Dry open sites, montane
Soil fine loams Sun Full
Annual Precip. (in) 15-25 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 10-18 Width (in) 6-12
Seeds per lb 228800 Lbs per acre 8

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fall cover with coarse sand.


Range of Hymenopappus newberryi

Hymenoxys hoopesii ( Orange Mountain Daisy )
Habitat montane-subalpine open meadows
Soil sandy-clayey Sun partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 15-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July-August Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-40 Width (in) 18-32
Seeds per lb 181600 Lbs per acre 10

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary, plant outside fall to spring. Plant to 1/4 inch deep


Range of Hymenoxys hoopesii

Iliamna rivularis ( Wild Hollyhock )
Habitat Montane-subalpine, moist soils
Soil loamy Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 24-48 Width (in) 24-60
Seeds per lb 800000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

Scarify and plant outside in the fall to late winter. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Iliamna rivularis

Ipomoea leptophylla ( Bush Morning Glory )
Habitat Great Plains, sandy, dry to moist soils
Soil sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-18 USDA Zones 4-7
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-48 Width (in) 36-72
Seeds per lb 5900 Lbs per acre 100

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall or winter. Plant to 1/4 inch deep

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


--Sold Out--
Range of Ipomoea leptophylla

Ipomopsis aggregata ( Scarlet Gilia )
Habitat Foothills to Montane, slopes.
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period June-August Life Span Biennial
Height (in) 20-36 Width (in) 4-18
Seeds per lb 340000 Lbs per acre 5

Germination Information

45-90 day cold moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Ipomopsis aggregata

Ipomopsis longiflora ( Blue Gilia )
Habitat Pinon Juniper meadows, dry washes.
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-18 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period June-August Life Span Biennial
Height (in) 6-18 Width (in) 4-6
Seeds per lb 360000 Lbs per acre 10

Germination Information

30 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Ipomopsis longiflora

Ipomopsis spicata ( Spiked Ipomopsis)
Habitat Foothills, plains, pinon juniper meadows.
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-15 USDA Zones 5-6
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Biennial
Height (in) 8-18 Width (in) 4-6
Seeds per lb 340000 Lbs per acre 5

Germination Information

45-90 day cold moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Ipomopsis spicata

Iris missouriensis ( Rocky Mountain Iris )
Habitat Plains-Montane, moist to wet meadows, allegedly deer proof.
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 24+ USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-24 Width (in) 4-12
Seeds per lb 21000 Lbs per acre 80

Germination Information

120-180 days cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall in moist soil. Plant to 1/4 inch deep.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


--Sold Out--
Range of Iris missouriensis

Leptodactylon pungens (Prickly Gilia )
Habitat Foothills-montane, outwash fans, gravelly or rocky places
Soil rocky-sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-18 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-12 Width (in) 6-12
Seeds per lb 5000000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant as shallowly as possible.


Range of Leptodactylon pungens

Liatris punctata ( Dotted Gayfeather )
Habitat Great Plains-foothills, montane
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 14-26 USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period Aug-Oct Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-32 Width (in) 6-24
Seeds per lb 168000 Lbs per acre 10

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant as shallowly as possible.

Other Information

gophers will eat roots. Butterflies attracted to flowers. Deer typically do not eat.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Liatris punctata

Ligularia amplectens (Subalpine Groundsel )
Habitat Upper montane, subalpine, moist to wet soils
Soil coarse-sandy Sun Part to full shade
Annual Precip. (in) 25+ USDA Zones 2-3
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-18 Width (in) 8-18
Seeds per lb 750000 Lbs per acre 6

Germination Information

45 cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall or winter. plant on soil surface and cover with a thin layer of sand


Range of Ligularia amplectens

Ligularia bigelovii (Nodding Groundsel )
Habitat Upper montane, subalpine, aspen groves, moist meadows, gravelly draws
Soil coarse-sandy Sun Full sun to part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20-40 USDA Zones 2-3
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-36 Width (in) 6-12
Seeds per lb 775000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

45 cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall or winter. Plant on soil surface and cover with a thin layer of sand


Range of Ligularia bigelovii

Ligusticum porteri (Porters Licoriceroot )
Habitat Pinon-juniper, montane, aspen grove and subalpine meadows, moister sites at lower elevations
Soil coarse-sandy Sun Full sun to part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 15+ USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 24-48 Width (in) 18-32
Seeds per lb 775000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

60 cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall or winter. Plant to 1/4 inch deep.


Range of Ligusticum porteri

Linum lewisii ( Blue Flax )
Habitat Plains-montane, wide range of sites
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-24 USDA Zones 2-7
Bloom Period June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-36 Width (in) 12-32
Seeds per lb 295000 Lbs per acre 6

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary plant outside fall spring or summer. Plant to 1/4 inch deep

Other Information

Maple Grove was collected from Maple Grove UT area

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)

USDA Plant Guide, Appar (pdf)

USDA Plant Guide, Maple Grove (pdf)

Pricing, Appar

Pricing, Maple Grove

Range of Linum lewisii

Linum puberulum ( Plains Flax )
Habitat Plains, foothills and pinon juniper meadows
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-24 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period June Life SpanAnnual
Height (in) 4-12 Width (in) 2-10
Seeds per lb 295000 Lbs per acre 6

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary plant outside fall spring or summer. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Linum puberulum

Lithospermum multiflorum ( Puccoon )
Habitat Foothills, Pinon Juniper, to Montane forests
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun-part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 3-7
Bloom Period May-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 10-18 Width (in)10-18
Seeds per lb 50000 Lbs per acre 8

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fall. May take several years to germinate


Range of Lithospermum multiflorum

Lupinus alpestris ( Mountain Lupine )
Habitat foothills-montane sagebrush
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-36 Width (in) 24-36
Seeds per lb 25000 Lbs per acre 70

Germination Information

30-45 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant 1/4 to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Lupinus alpestris

Lupinus argenteus ( Silver Lupine )
Habitat Plains-montane, sagebrush, dry soils,
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 18-30 USDA Zones 2-5
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-36 Width (in) 24-36
Seeds per lb 25878 Lbs per acre 67

Germination Information

45 day cool moist or hot water soak (place seed in boiling water for 1 minute, then remove)or scarify with sandpaper or plant outside in fall. Plant to 1/4 inch deep


Range of Lupinus argenteus

Lupinus caudatus ( Tailcup Lupine )
Habitat Montane-subalpine, aspen groves
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 18-30 USDA Zones 2-5
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-36 Width (in) 24-36
Seeds per lb 25878 Lbs per acre 67

Germination Information

45 day cool moist or hot water soak (place seed in boiling water for 1 minute, then remove)or scarify with sandpaper or plant outside in fall. Plant to 1/4 inch deep


Range of Lupinus caudatus

Lupinus plattensis ( Platte Lupine )
Habitat Plains-foothills, dry soils,
Soil coarse-sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-24 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-36 Width (in) 24-40
Seeds per lb 22000 Lbs per acre 80

Germination Information

45 day cool moist or hot water soak (bring water to nearly boiling and then pour over seeds and let soak for 12-24 hrs) or scarify with sandpaper or plant outside in fall. Plant to 1/4 inch deep.


Range of Lupinus plattensis

Lupinus pusillus ( Ant Money )
Habitat Plains-foothills, G.B., p-j
Soil coarse-sandy Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-18 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period May-July Life Span Annual
Height (in) 6-12 Width (in) 6-12
Seeds per lb 26,000 Lbs per acre 67

Germination Information

45 day cool moist or hot water soak or sandpaper scarify or plant outside in the fall. Plant up to 1/4 inch deep


Range of Lupinus pusillus

Lupinus sericeus ( Silky Lupine )
Habitat Sagebrush-montane, dry soil,
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-30 USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-36 Width (in) 24-40
Seeds per lb 25878 Lbs per acre 67

Germination Information

45 day cool moist or hot water soak or scarify with sandpaper or plant outside in fall. plant to 1/4 inch

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Lupinus sericeus