Abronia fragrans( Snowball Sand Verbena )
Habitat Plains, Pinon Juiper dry soils, fine-coarse
Soilsandy- loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-15 USDA Zones 4-9
Bloom Period June-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 10-24 Width (in) 10-24
Seeds per lb 72000 Lbs per acre 4

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fallor early winter. Plant to 1/4 inch deep.


Range of Abronia fragrans

Achillea millefolium ( White Yarrow )
Habitat Plains-alpine, dry soils, fine-coarse
Soil loamy Sun Full sun-light shade
Annual Precip. (in) 8-60 USDA Zones 2-9
Bloom Period June-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 10-24 Width (in)
Seeds per lb 2700000 Lbs per acre 1

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside fall, spring or summer. Plant on soil surface or to 1/16 inch deep. Needs warm soil for germination.

Other Information

Typically a quick germinater and can initially overwhelm a planting but normally doesn't continue to dominate. Has a pleasant fragrance

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)

Eagle Release Notes (pdf)

Great Northern Release Notes (pdf)


Range of Achillea millefolium

Aconitum columbianum ( Monkshood )
Habitat Montane-subalpine, wet soils
Soil fine Sun partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 24-48 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 24-60 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 240000 Lbs per acre 7

Germination Information

Plant outside late spring to early summer in moist or wet location or germinate in warm greenhouse (18-21C day 13C night). Plant to 1/8 inch deep. Keep moist.

Other Information

A highly toxic plant, but tall and showy, for wet and shaded areas.




--Sold Out--
Range of Aconitum columbianum

Agastache urticifolia ( Nettle Leaf Hyssop )
Habitat Moist montane meadows, aspen groves
Soil loamy - clayey Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 4-5
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 18-60 Width (in) 12-40
Seeds per lb 850000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

45 day cool moist stratification germination or plant outside in the fall. Plant on or just below soil surface or 24C day and 2C night temps to germ without pretreatment. Gibberillic acid increase germination.

Other Information

A member of the mint family so has a minty odor

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Numerous including Monarchs


Range of Agastache urticifolia

Aggoseris glauca ( False Dandelion )
Habitat Montane, sagebrush, aspen grove and subalpine meadows
Soil sandy - clayey Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-12 Width (in) 4-10
Seeds per lb 850000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Agoseris glauca

Allium cernuum (Pink Nodding Onion )
Habitat Foothills to montane meadows
Soil coarse to loamy Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 15+ USDA Zones 4-9
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-18 Width (in) 1-3
Seeds per lb 121000 Lbs per acre 4

Germination Information

Some germintaion with no pretreatment or 30-150 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/16-1/8 inch deep.


Range of Allium ceruum

Allium geyeri (Geyer Wild Onion )
Habitat Montane, aspen grove and sagebrush moist meadows
Soil coarse to loamy Sun full sun to part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-12 Width (in) 1-3
Seeds per lb 121000 Lbs per acre 4

Germination Information

Some germintaion with no pretreatment or 30-150 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/16-1/8 inch deep.


Range of Allium geyeri

Allium textile (Wild White Onion )
Habitat Foothills to pj meadows
Soil coarse to loamy Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-9
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-10 Width (in) 1-3
Seeds per lb 121000 Lbs per acre 4

Germination Information

Some germintaion with no pretreatment or 30-150 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/16-1/8 inch deep.


Range of Allium textile

Amsonia jonesii (Colorado Desert Bluestar)
Habitat Colorado Plateau, sagebrush, pinon juniper and desert shrub
Soil coarse to loamy Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-15 USDA Zones 4-8
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-20 Width (in) 12-20
Seeds per lb 35000 Lbs per acre 4

Germination Information

Some germintaion with no pretreatment or 60-120 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to later winter. Plant to 1/16-1/8 inch deep.


Range of Amsonia jonesii

Anaphalis margaritacea ( Pearly Everlasting )
Habitat Montane-subalpine, coarse soils
Soil coarse to lomy Sun Full sun - light shade
Annual Precip. (in) 10-50 USDA Zones 3-7
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-18 Width (in) 4-60
Seeds per lb 1135000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

No pretreatment, plant outside spring or summer. Plant on soil surface or to 1/32 inch deep.

Other Information

According to Xerxes.org, it is a host plant for the american lady and painted lady butterflies

Range of Anaphalis margaritacea

Anemone multifida ( Windflower )
Habitat Montane-subalpine, moist soils
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun- part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20-50 USDA Zones 2-4
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-12 Width (in) 4-8
Seeds per lb 599280 Lbs per acre 3

Germination Information

0-30 day cool moist stratification or 24 hr running water soak followed by 120 day cold moist strat or plant outside early spring. Plant on soil surface. May take up to 21 days to germinate.


Range of Anemone multifida

Antennaria parvifolia ( Pussytoes )
Habitat Plains-subalpine, dry sites
Soil sand to clay Sun Part Shade to Full Shade
Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 3-7
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 0.5-6 Width (in) 2-72
Seeds per lb 1135000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant on soil surface and press into the soil.

Other Information

A mat forming plant for dry unfertile soils.


Range of Antennaria parvifolia

Aquilegia coerulea ( Colorado Columbine )
Habitat Montane-Alpine, partial shade or full sun.
Soil sandy-loamy Sun partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20-36 USDA Zones 2-5
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-48 Width (in) 6-18
Seeds per lb 399600 Lbs per acre 4

Germination Information

21-45 day cold moist stratification, some germination without pretreatment or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Aquilegia coerulea

Aquilegia elegantula (Western Red Columbine )
Habitat Montane, part shade, moist to dry soil.
Soil sandy-loamy Sun partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20-36 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 10-24 Width (in) 4-10
Seeds per lb 399600 Lbs per acre 4

Germination Information

21-45 day cold moist stratification, some germination without pretreatment or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Aquilegia elegantula

Arenaria congesta (Clustered Sandwort)
Habitat Subalpine meadows
Soil sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-35 USDA Zones 2-4
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 2-8 Width (in) 6-10
Seeds per lb 900000 Lbs per acre 1

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Eremogone congesta

Arenaria fendleri (Fendlers Sandwort)
Habitat Montane to subalpine meadows
Soil sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 15-35 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-12 Width (in) 6-12
Seeds per lb 900000 Lbs per acre 1

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Arenaria fendleri

Arenaria hookeri (Hookers Sandwort)
Habitat Foothills, pinon juniper meadows
Soil sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-15 USDA Zones 4-5
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 3-6 Width (in) 6-12
Seeds per lb 900000 Lbs per acre 1

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Arenaria hookeri

Argemone polyanthemos ( Prickly Poppy )
Habitat Plains-montane, coarse soils
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-18 USDA Zones 4-8
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 18-36 Width (in) 8-24
Seeds per lb 79904 Lbs per acre 22

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fall. Plant on soil surface and cover with 1/4 inch of sand. It tends to be a fickle germinator.


Range of Argemone polyanthemos

Arnica chamissonis ( Meadow Arnica )
Habitat Moist montane meadows
Soil fertile, moist Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 2-8
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-16 Width (in) 4-6
Seeds per lb 1402860 Lbs per acre 1

Germination Information

no pretreatment. plant outside spring or summer. plant to 1/16 inch deep


Range of Arnica chamissonis

Artemisia frigida ( Fringed Sage )
Habitat Plains to alpine, disturbed sites
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-30 USDA Zones 3-7
Bloom Period July-Sept Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 2-10 Width (in) 4-12
Seeds per lb 4500000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant on soil surface and cover with a thin layer of sand.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Artemisia frigida

Artemisia ludoviciana ( Prairie Sage )
Habitat Plains-montane, coarse to fine soil, allegedly deer proof
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-30 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period July-Sept Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 8-18 Width (in) 4-36
Seeds per lb 4449000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant on soil surface and press firmly into soil.

Other Information

highly variable species.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Artemisia ludoviciana

Asclepias asperula ( Antelope Horns )
Habitat Plains-Foothills, dry or calcareous soils.
Soil sandy-loamy Sun full
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-7
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-12 Width (in) 18-30
Seeds per lb 60000 Lbs per acre 29

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside fall to spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Asclepias asperula

Asclepias hallii ( Hall's Milkweed )
Habitat Montane, dry to moist soils, ditches
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 15-24 USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 24-36 Width (in) 24-36
Seeds per lb 57000 Lbs per acre 31

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Asclepias hallii

Asclepias incarnata ( Swamp Milkweed )
Habitat Plains, moist soils, ponds, ditches
Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 24-40 USDA Zones 4-7
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 28-48 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 68100 Lbs per acre 26

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant on soil surface or to 1/8 inch deep. Germination may be improved by a 2 week cool moist stratification by placing moistened seed in the refrigerator for two weeks

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Asclepias incarnata

Asclepias latifolia ( Broadlead Milkweed )
Habitat Great Plains, foothills
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-7
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 24-36 Width (in) 12-18
Seeds per lb 58000 Lbs per acre 30

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/4 inch deep. Germination may be improved by a 2 week cool moist stratification by placing moistened seed in the refrigerator for two weeks


Range of Asclepias latifolia

Asclepias speciosa ( Showy Milkweed )
Habitat Plains-montane, moist soils
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-40 USDA Zones 3-7
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 24-36 Width (in) 12-72
Seeds per lb 58000 Lbs per acre 30

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/4 inch deep. Germination may be improved by a 2 week cool moist stratification by placing moistened seed in the refrigerator for two weeks

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Asclepias speciosa

Asclepias subverticillata ( Horsetail Milkweed )
Habitat Plains to foothills, pj meadows, roadsides
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-18 USDA Zones 4-7
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 18-36 Width (in) 12-72
Seeds per lb 75000 Lbs per acre 20

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/4 inch deep. Germination may be improved by a 2 week cool moist stratification by placing moistened seed in the refrigerator for two weeks


Range of Asclepias subverticillata

Asclepias tuberosa ( Butterfly Milkweed )
Habitat Foothills to plains, roadways prairies and open woodlands
Soil rocky-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-40 USDA Zones 4-7
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-24 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 70000 Lbs per acre 15

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/4 inch deep. Germination may be improved by a 2 week cool moist stratification by placing moistened seed in the refrigerator for two weeks

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Asclepias tuberosa

Astragalus adsurgens ( Upright Milkvetch )
Habitat Plains-montane, coarse dry soils
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 2-5
Bloom Period May-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-18 Width (in) 6-18
Seeds per lb 70000 Lbs per acre 25

Germination Information

Scarify or 30-60 day cool moist or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/16 inch deep


Range of Astragalus adsurgens

Astragalus bisulcatus ( Twogroove Milkvetch )
Habitat Plains-foothills, roadsides, slopes
Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period May-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-24 Width (in) 6-24
Seeds per lb 70000 Lbs per acre 25

Germination Information

Scarify or 30-60 day cool moist or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/16 inch deep


Range of Astragalus bisulcatus

Astragalus ceramicus ( Painted Milkvetch )
Habitat Sagebrush, p-j, montane, desert shrub
Soil coarse-loamy Sun full
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-24 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 80000 Lbs per acre 22

Germination Information

Scarify with sandpaper and plant outside in fall or winter. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Astragalus ceramicus

Astragalus convallarius ( Whisk Broom Milkvetch )
Habitat Sagebrush, p-j, montane, desert shrub
Soil coarse-loamy Sun full
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-24 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 80000 Lbs per acre 22

Germination Information

Scarify with sandpaper and plant outside in fall or winter. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Astragalus convallarius

Astragalus drummondii ( Woolly Milkvetch )
Habitat Plains-montane
Soil sandy-clayey Sun full
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-32 Width (in) 12-36
Seeds per lb 220000 Lbs per acre 8

Germination Information

Scarify or 30-60 day cool moist or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/16 inch deep


Range of Astragalus drummondii

Astragalus shortianus ( Short's Milkvetch )
Habitat Pinon Juniper meadows and mixed shrubland openings
Soil sandy-clayey Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-15 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period April-May Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 1-5 Width (in) 4-8
Seeds per lb 250,000 Lbs per acre 12

Germination Information

30-90 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to late winter. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Astragalus shortianus

Astragalus utahensis ( Utah Milkvetch )
Habitat Wasatch Front, sagebrush, pinon-juniper woodlands, mountain shrubland
Soil sandy-clayey Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-15 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period April-May Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 1-5 Width (in) 4-8
Seeds per lb 150000 Lbs per acre 12

Germination Information

30-90 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to late winter. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Astragalus utahensis

Bahia dissecta ( Mountain Bahia )
Habitat Foothills-upper montane, moist soil
Soil coarse-sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-7
Bloom Period July-Sept Life Span Annual
Height (in) 12-36 Width (in) 6-24
Seeds per lb 900000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Bahia dissecta

Balsamorhiza macrophylla ( Cutleaf Balsamroot )
Andrey Zharkikh from Salt Lake City, USA [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)]
Habitat Subalpine, upper montane and upper sagebrush steppe
Soil gravely-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 14-40 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period April-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-39 Width (in) 12-39
Seeds per lb 55000 Lbs per acre 25

Germination Information

45 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall to early spring. Plant to 1/4 inch deep

Other Information

Good for many native pollinators

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Balsamorhiza macrophylla

Balsamorhiza sagittata ( Arrowleaf Balsamroot )
Habitat Great Basin sagebrush, deep soils
Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-24 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period April-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-24 Width (in) 12-36
Seeds per lb 55000 Lbs per acre 32

Germination Information

45 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall to early spring. Plant on soil surface or to 1/8 inch deep

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Balsamorhiza sagittata

Berlandiera lyrata ( Chocolate Flower )
Habitat Plains, deserts and pinon juniper meadows
Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 4-8
Bloom Period April-August Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 10-18 Width (in) 12-18
Seeds per lb 250000 Lbs per acre6

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/4 inch deep


Range of Berlandiera lyrata

Besseya plantaginea (White River Coraldrops )
Habitat Montane and aspen grove meadows
Soil Gravelly-loamy Sun Full sun to part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 10-18 Width (in) 4-8
Seeds per lb 1250000 Lbs per acre0.1

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Besseya plantaginea

Callirhoe involucrata ( Purple Poppy Mallow )
Habitat Great Plains, sandy soils
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-36 USDA Zones 4-10
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-24 Width (in) 8-48
Seeds per lb 108960 Lbs per acre 16

Germination Information

Sandpaper scarify, followed by 30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall and expect slow germination. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Callirhoe involucrata

Calochortus flexuosus (Winding Mariposa Lilly)
Habitat Mohave desert, blackbrush salt desert scrub and pinon juniper
Soil loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-15 USDA Zones 4-8
Bloom Period April-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-12 Width (in) 1-6
Seeds per lb 166164 Lbs per acre 10

Germination Information

45 day cold moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Calochortus flexuosus

Calochortus gunnisonii ( Mariposa Lilly )
Habitat Montane, sagebrush, loamy soils
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 15-24 USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-12 Width (in) 1-4
Seeds per lb 166164 Lbs per acre 10

Germination Information

45 day cold moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Calochortus gunnisonii

Caltha leptosepala ( Marsh Marigold )
Habitat Subalpine-alpine, wet meadows, seeps
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun to part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 30-50 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period June-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-24 Width (in) 6-10
Seeds per lb 550000 Lbs per acre 3

Germination Information

45 cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall or winter. plant on soil surface or to 1/16 inch deep.


--Sold Out--
Range of Caltha leptosepala

Campanula parryi ( Parry's Bellflower )
Habitat Aspen Groves to Subalpine meadows
Soil sandy-loamy Sun partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 3-6 Width (in) 1-3
Seeds per lb 5000000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant on soil surface and press into the soil.


Range of Campanula parryi

Campanula rotundifolia ( Harebells )
Habitat Montane-Subalpine
Soil sandy-loamy Sun partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 15-30 USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-12 Width (in) 2-8
Seeds per lb 5000000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant on soil surface and press into the soil.


Range of Campanula rotundifolia

Castilleja angustifolia v dubia ( Showy Paintbrush )
Habitat C Pl, Son, Moj, sagebrush, coarse soil
Soil sand-clay Sun full
Annual Precip. (in) 8-20 USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-16 Width (in) 2-6
Seeds per lb 4000000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

Cool moist stratification for up to 90 days or plant outside in the fall


Range of Castilleja angustifolia dubia

Castilleja integra ( Indian Paintbrush )
Habitat Plains-montane, open meadows
Soil gravelly- sandy Sun Sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period June-Sept Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 2-12 Width (in) 2-6
Seeds per lb 4367480 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

30 day cool moist stratification or plant outisde fall to early spring. plant 1/32 to 1/16 inch deep. Host plants not necessary for first year, but may be needed for long term survival. Takes up to 4 weeks to germinate.

Other Information

Is considered to be semi parisitic. Host plants often considered to be Blue Grama or Sandberg Bluegrass, but may parasitize any nearby grass.


Range of Castilleja integra

Castilleja linariifolia ( Narrow Leaf Paintbrush )
Habitat Sagebrush, pinyon-juniper meadows
Soil sandy to clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-20 USDA Zones 3-7
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-18 Width (in) 2-18
Seeds per lb 4086000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. Plant on soil surface or to 1/16 inch deep


Range of Castilleja linariifolia

Castilleja miniata (Aspen Paintbrush )
Habitat Aspen groves, montane meadows
Soil sandy to loamy Sun Full sun - part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 2-5
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 10-24 Width (in) 4-12
Seeds per lb 4500000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

60-90 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. Often takes two years to germinate. Plant on soil surface or to 1/16 inch deep


Range of Castilleja miniata

Castilleja occidentalis (Western Paintbrush )
HabitatSubalpine meadows to low alpine
Soil sandy to loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 2-4
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-12 Width (in) 1-8
Seeds per lb 4500000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

60-90 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. Often takes two years to germinate. Plant on soil surface or to 1/16 inch deep


Range of Castilleja occidentalis

Castilleja sulphurea ( Sulfur Paintbrush )
Habitat Subalpine-alpine meadows
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-12 Width (in) 4-8
Seeds per lb 4086000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to late winter. Plant on soil surface and cover with thin layer of soil or sand.


Range of Castilleja sulphurea

Chaenactis douglasii ( Pincushion )
Habitat Foothills-montane, G.B., coarse soils
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 14-30 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Biennial/short lived Perennial
Height (in) 6-12 Width (in) 6-12
Seeds per lb 342000 Lbs per acre 4

Germination Information

30 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall or winter. plant to 1/4 inch deep

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Chaenactis douglasii

Chamerion angustifolium ( Fireweed )
Habitat Montane-subalpine, moist soils.
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-48 USDA Zones 2-4
Bloom Period July-August Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 24-48 Width (in) 8-18
Seeds per lb 8000000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

30 day cool moist stratification, but not always necessary, or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant on soil surface and cover with very thin layer of sand or soil.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Chamerion angustifolium

Clematis columbiana (Rock Clematis )
Habitat Foothills-montane, partial shade
Soil rocky-sandy Sun part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 18+ USDA Zones 4-8
Bloom Period June-July Life SpanPerennial
Height (in) 4-10 Width (in) 8-36
Seeds per lb 100000 Lbs per acre 15

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/4 inch deep.


Range of Clematis columbiana

Clematis hirsutissima v. scottii ( Sugarbowls )
Habitat PJ, foothills, plains open montane forests, dry sites
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 11-25 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period June-July Life SpanPerennial
Height (in) 8-18 Width (in) 8-18
Seeds per lb 73000 Lbs per acre 15

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/4 inch deep.


Range of Clematis scotii

Cleome lutea ( Golden Beeplant )
Habitat G.B. to G.P., sandy to loamy soils
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 6-15 USDA Zones 5-8
Bloom Period May-July Life Span Annual
Height (in) 12-24 Width (in) 4-12
Seeds per lb 118040 Lbs per acre 15

Germination Information

Dormant seed 30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/4 inch deep.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Cleome lutea

Cleome serrulata ( Rocky Mountain Bee Plant )
Habitat plains-montane coarse soils
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-30 USDA Zones 3-8
Bloom Period June-August Life Span Annual
Height (in) 24-48 Width (in) 8-36
Seeds per lb 113500 Lbs per acre 15

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/4 inch deep


Range of Cleome serrulata

Commelina erecta ( Dayflower )
Habitat GreatPlains, foothills, pinon juniper meadows
Soil gravelly-sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-8
Bloom Period JuneLife Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-24 Width (in) 8-24
Seeds per lb 113500 Lbs per acre 15

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/4 inch deep


Range of Commelina erecta

Coreopsis tinctoria ( Plains Coreopsis )
Habitat Plains prairies, low swales and other semi moist soils
Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 16-55 USDA Zones 4-8
Bloom Period June-August Life Span Annual
Height (in) 12-36 Width (in) 8-36
Seeds per lb 3200000 Lbs per acre 1

Germination Information

No pretreatment, plant fall, spring or summer. Plant to 1/8 inch deep

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Coreopsis tinctoria

Coryphantha vivipara (Spinystar)
Habitat Plains to foothills, p-j meadows
Soil loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-16 USDA Zones 4-8
Bloom Period June Life SpanPerennial
Height (in) 1-4 Width (in) 4-12
Seeds per lb 150000 Lbs per acre 1

Germination Information

Probably needs cool moist stratificaion. Plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/8 inch deep

Range of Coryphantha vivipara