Habitat Plains-montane, dry, coarse soils Soil coarse to sandy loam Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 5-20 USDA Zones 3-7 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 24-40 Width (in) 12-18 Seeds per lb 137000 Lbs per acre 12-16
Germination Information Scarify then 30-90 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. plant to 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep.
Other Information Food for Lark Bunting, Lazuli Bunting, Longspur, Chipping Sparrow, Chipmunks, Ground Squirrels, Grasshopper Mouse, Deer, Elk, Sheep
Range of Hesperostipa comata
Habitat Montane wet meadows Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 2-5 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 4-24 Width (in) Seeds per lb 85000 Lbs per acre 12-15
Germination Information No pretreatment plant outside spring or summer. plant 1/8 to 1/16 inch deep
Pricing SOLD OUT
Range of Hordeum brachyantherum
Habitat Plains-alpine, moist to dry meadows Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun-shade Annual Precip. (in) 14-20 USDA Zones 2-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 6-24 Width (in) 4-8 Seeds per lb 2315000 Lbs per acre 2-4
Cultivar Information Sims Mesa source ID from Uncompaghre Palteau Colorado
Germination Information no pretreatment necessary. Plant outside spring or summer. plant to 1/16 inch deep. Takes up to 2 weeks to germinate
Other Information larval host plant for some butterflies
Pricing, Sims Mesa
Range of Koeleria macrantha
Habitat Coarse soils pj woodland to aspen groves Soil gravelly-sandy Sun Full sun-part shade Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 3-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 12-30 Width (in) 12-30 Seeds per lb 135000 Lbs per acre 7-12
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information no pretreatment necessary. plant outside fall or spring. plant to 1/4 inch deep. Takes up to 2 weeks to germinate
Pricing Range of Leymus ambiguus
Habitat Alkaline soil, sagebrush, montane, p-j Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 8-20 USDA Zones 3-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 30-80 Width (in) 18-24 Seeds per lb 135000 Lbs per acre 7-12
Cultivar Information Magnar (pdf) - origin unknown selected for seed production,
Trailhead (pdf) - origin Roundup MT, selected for production under drought conditions better than Magnar
Germination Information no pretreatment necessary. plant outside fall or spring. plant to 1/8 inch deep. Takes up to 2 weeks to germinate
Pricing, Magnar
Range of Leymus cinereus
Habitat Low-high elevation, alkaline,moist soil Soil Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) dry to moist USDA Zones Growth Season Warm Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 4-24 Width (in) 6-18 Seeds per lb 2400000 Lbs per acre 1-2
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information no pretreatment or 30 day cool moist stratification
Pricing SOLD OUT
Range of Muhlenbergia asperifolia
Habitat P-J to montane, woodlands, meadows Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 12-24 USDA Zones 3-4 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 12-30 Width (in) 6-18 Seeds per lb 1600000 Lbs per acre 1-3
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information no pretreatment. plant outside spring or summer. plant on soil surface or to 1/32 inch. 7-14 days to germinate
Range of Muhlenbergia montana
Habitat Plains-subalpine, dry to moist soils Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 15-30 USDA Zones 3-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 24-48 Width (in) 12-48 Seeds per lb 181000 Lbs per acre 6-12
Cultivar Information Lodorm (pdf) originally from around Bismark ND, was selected for low seed dormancy
Cucharas (pdf) is intended for use in the central Great Plains, has lower dormancy than Lodorm
Germination Information Scarify then 30-90 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall or winter, plant to 1/8 inch deep
Pricing, Lodorm
Pricing, Cucharas
Range of Nassella viridula
Habitat Tall-grass prairie, wet-dry soils foothills Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 15-30 USDA Zones 3-8 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 24-60 Width (in) 24-60 Seeds per lb 259000 Lbs per acre 3-5
Cultivar Information Blackwell (pdf) origin OK fine stems rust resistant,
Dacotah (pdf) originally from south central ND is shorter and matures earlier than other varieties good for northern range,
Neb 28 originally from NE tolerates sandy soils
Germination Information No pretreatment or 30-90 day cool moist stratification. Plant outside fall to early spring. plant to 1/16-1/8 inch deep.
Pricing, Blackwell
Range of Panicum virgatum
Habitat Plains-montane, meadows, swales, dry wash Soil Clay, loam sand, salt tolerant Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 3-7 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 12-32 Width (in) Seeds per lb 113840 Lbs per acre 8-16
Cultivar Information Rosana (pdf) origin MT selected for reveg on mineland, abandonded farmland and depleted rangeland, for northern or shorter growing seasons
Arriba (pdf) for southern and western great plains
Germination Information No pretreatment, but a 14 day cool moist stratification will improve germiantion or plant outside fall or early spring. plant to 1/4 inch deep. Will not germinate if exposed to light.
Other Information Food for Grouse, Phaesant, Eastern Snow Bunting, Jack Rabbit. Cottontail Rabbit, Prairie Dog, Townsend Ground Squirrel, Antelope, Mule Deer, Elk,
Pricing, Arriba
Pricing, Boulder County
Range of Pascopyrum smithii
Habitat Great Plains, deserts, sagebrush Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 5-18 USDA Zones 3-7 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 6-24 Width (in) 12-48 Seeds per lb 159000 Lbs per acre 8-14
Cultivar Information Viva (pdf) original source from a stand outside Newkirk NM good drought tolerance and ground cover
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside spring or mid summer. plant to 1/8 inch deep. Takes up to 2 weeks to germinate
Range of Pleuraphis jamesii
Habitat Subalpine-alpine dry meadows Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 18-24 USDA Zones 2-3 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 8-12 Width (in) 4-8 Seeds per lb 1000000 Lbs per acre 2-4
Cultivar Information
Germination Information no pretreatment necessary. Plant outside spring or summer. plant to 1/4 inch deep
Range of Poa alpina
Habitat Montane-subalpine dry soils Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 12-24 USDA Zones 3-5 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 24-40 Width (in) 12-18 Seeds per lb 1046960 Lbs per acre 3-5
Cultivar Information Sherman (pdf) originally from Sherman County OR, is a large bunchgrass suitable for seed produciton and range revegetation
Germination Information no pretreatment . Plant outside fall or spring. Plant to 1/4 in deep.
Range of Poa ampla
Habitat Plains-lower alpine, dry soil Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 8-24 USDA Zones 3-5 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 8-24 Width (in) 4-12 Seeds per lb 900000 Lbs per acre 4-6
Cultivar Information Ruin Canyon from Mesa Verde NP
Germination Information no pretreatment or 30 day cool moist stratification. or plant outside fall to spring. plant to 1/4 inch deep
Pricing SOLD OUT
Range of Poa fendleriana
Habitat Great Plains-subalpine, wet soils Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 28-50 USDA Zones 2-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 12-30 Width (in) Seeds per lb 1000000 Lbs per acre 1-2
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information no pretreatment. plant outside spring or summer. plant to 1/8 inch deep.
Range of Poa palustris
Habitat Plains-montane, dry soils, slopse, meadows Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 18-24 USDA Zones 3-5 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 8-24 Width (in) 4-12 Seeds per lb 900,000 Lbs per acre 2-4
Cultivar Information High Plains (pdf) origin arid sites in WY Red Desert and Big Horn Basin, from Uinta Natrona and Campbell Co.
Sims Mesa source ID from the Uncompaghre Plateau Colorado
Boulder County an increase from a seed collection at 5700ft in Boulder County Colorado
Germination Information no pretreatment. Plant outside fall spring or summer plant to 1/4 inch deep.
Other Information Greens up early, so is possible competitor with cheatgrass.
Pricing, High Plains SOLD OUT
Pricing, Boulder County
Pricing, Sims Mesa
Range of Poa secunda
Habitat Sagebrush-montane, dry open woods Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 8-18 USDA Zones 3-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 16-28 Width (in) 12-24 Seeds per lb 140000 Lbs per acre 8-15
Cultivar Information Anatone (pdf) from Asotin Co WA selected for rapid germination and seedling vigor and long hot dry summers,
Goldar (pdf) se WA higher elevation and moister than Anatone,
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside fall or spring. plant to between 1/8 and 1/4 inch deep
Pricing, Anatone
Range of Pseudoroegneria spicata
Habitat Sagebrush and scrub oak meadows Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 8-18 USDA Zones 3-8 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 16-36 Width (in) 12-18 Seeds per lb 130000 Lbs per acre 6-12
Cultivar Information Whitmar from the Palouse Prairie, selected for seed production, forage quality and seedling vigor
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside fall or spring. plant at 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep
Pricing SOLD OUT
Range of Pseudoroegneria spicata inerme
Habitat Mid-grass prairie, coarse soils and foothills. Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 12-45 USDA Zones 3-9 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 12-32 Width (in) 12-24 Seeds per lb 130000 Lbs per acre 6-10
Cultivar Information Aldous (pdf) is KS variety,
Pastura (pdf) is NM variety,
Camper is NE and KS variety, Itasca (pdf) is northern variety, Badlands (pdf) is variety from SD Blaze is variety from NE known for its red fall color, Cimarron (pdf) from southern great plains with as low as 12 inches annual precipitation
Germination Information no pretreament necessary. plant outside spring to mid-summer. plant to 1/8 inch deep and cover with a thin layer of mulch
Pricing, Blaze
Range of Schizachyrium scoparium
Habitat Tall-grass prairie, moist-dry, foothills Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 15-36 USDA Zones 4-9 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 16-40 Width (in) 12-24 Seeds per lb 180000 Lbs per acre 6-12
Cultivar Information Cheyenne (pdf) origin OK drought tolerant,
Holt origin NE early maturing,
NE 54 origin NE, forage producing
Tomahawk (pdf) a northern variety for fertile well drained soils, good cold tolerance and forage production
Germination Information no pretreament necessary. plant outside spring to mid-summer. plant on soil surface or to 1/8 inch deep and cover with a thin layer of mulch
Range of Sorghastrum nutans
Habitat Plains, pothole wetlands, wet meadows, riparian areas Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 15-36 USDA Zones 4-9 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 40-80 Width (in) Seeds per lb 183000 Lbs per acre 8-14
Cultivar Information Red River (pdf) originally harvested from Red Riverr Valley in sites in SD, ND and MN. Selected for genetic diversity, vigorous growth, seed production, leafiness and rhizome spread
Germination Information 14 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring before last frost
Sold Out
Range of Spartina pectinata
Habitat Plains-montane, moist-dry alkaline soil Soil clay, loam Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 5-20 USDA Zones 3-7 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 20-40 Width (in) 12-24 Seeds per lb 1700000 Lbs per acre 1-2
Cultivar Information Salado (pdf) originally collected near Claunch NM at 1800 m, 30 cm annual precip
Germination Information no pretreatment or 28 day cool moist stratification or plant outside falll to early spring. plant on soil surface or to 1/16 inch deep. Takes up to 2 weeks to germinate
Pricing, Salado
Range of Sporobolus airoides
Habitat Plains-montane, disturbed soils Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 8-16 USDA Zones 3-8 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 8-32 Width (in) 4-18 Seeds per lb 5200000 Lbs per acre 1-2
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information 21 day cool moist stratification or scarify. Plant outside fall to spring. plant on or just below soil surface.
Other Information Food for Turkey, Lark Bunting, plant Bunting, Blue Grosbeak, Junco, Horned Lark, Lonspur, Sparrows, Prairie Dogs, Kangaroo Rat, Bison, White-tail Deer
Range of Sporobolus cryptandrus
Habitat Plains-foothills, tall grass and mixed grass prairies Soil loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 2-6 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 8-28 Width (in) 8-28 Seeds per lb 120000 Lbs per acre 8-10
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information 14-30 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant up to 1/4 inch deep.
Other Information Many bird species eat the seeds
Pricing SOLD OUT
Range of Sporobolus heterolepis
Habitat Subalpine-alpine, often disturbed sites Soil sandy-loamy Sun partial shade Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 2-4 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 10-18 Width (in) 4-8 Seeds per lb 2500000 Lbs per acre 2-4
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. plant to 1/16 inch deep.
Pricing SOLD OUT
Range of Trisetum spicatum