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Wetland Species
(Click on name for more Information)
Common Name
Abronia fragrans
Snowball Sand Verbena
Packet $3.00 USD
Achillea millefolium occidentalis
Western White Yarrow
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $3.50 USD
Qtr oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $5.00 USD
Pound $35.00 USD
Agastache urticifolia
packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Oz $10.00 USD
Agoseris glauca
Pale Agoseris
Pkt $3.50 USD
Allium cernuum
Pink Nodding Onion
Packet $3.50 USD
Allium geyeri
Geye Wild Onion
Pkt $3.50 USD
Allium textile
White Wild Onion
packet $4.00 USD
Amsonia jonesii
Desert Bluestar
Packet $3.50 USD
Anemone multifida
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $12.00 USD
Qtr oz $20.00 USD
Antennaria parvifolia
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $10.00 USD
Aquilegia coerulea
Colorado Columbine
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Arenaria congesta
Clustered Sandwort
Packet $3.50 USD
Arenaria fendleri
Fendler's Sandwort
Pkt $3.50 USD
Arenaria hookeri
Hooker's Sandwort
Pkt $3.50 USD
Argemone polyanthemos
Prickly Poppy
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.75 USD
Qtr oz $7.50 USD
Ounce $15.00 USD
Artemisia frigida
Fringed Sage
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.50 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $8.00 USD
Asclepias incarnata
Swamp Milkweed
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Quarter oz $7.50 USD
Ounce $15.00 USD
Asclepias speciosa
Showy Milkweed
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $7.50 USD
Asclepias subverticillata
Horsetail Milkweed
Packet $3.50 USD
Asclepias tuberosa
Butterfly Milkweed
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Qtr oz $8.00 USD
Ounce $20.00 USD
Astragalus adsurgens
Upright Milkvetch
Packet $3.50 USD
Astragalus bisulcatus
Twogroove Milkvetch
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $5.00 USD
Qtr oz $8.00 USD
Ounce $16.00 USD
Astragalus ceramicus
Painted Milkvetch
Packet $3.50 USD
Astragalus convallarius
Whisk Broom Milkvetch
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $5.00 USD
Quarter oz $8.00 USD
Astragalus drummondii
Woolly Milkvetch
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $5.00 USD
Balsamorhiza sagittata
Arrowleaf Balsamoroot
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $3.70 USD
Quarter oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $5.00 USD
Pound $40.00 USD
Berlandiera lyrata
Chocolate Flower
Packet $3.50 USD
Besseya plantaginea
White River Coraldrops
Pkt $3.50 USD
Brickellia grandiflora
Packet $3.50 USD
Calochortus flexuosus
Winding Mariposa Lily
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Qtr oz $10.00 USD
Ounce $20.00 USD
Calochortus gunnisonii
Mariposa Lily
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $12.00 USD
Qtr oz $20.00 USD
Campanula rotundifolia
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $15.00 USD
Castilleja angustifolia v dubia
Northwestern Indian Paintbrush
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $12.00 USD
Qtr oz $20.00 USD
Castilleja integra
Indian Paintbrush
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $12.00 USD
Qtr oz $20.00 USD
Castilleja linariifolia
Wyoming Indian Paintbrush
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $12.00 USD
Qtr oz $20.00 USD
Castilleja miniata
Aspen Paintbrush
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $12.00 USD
Qtr oz $20.00 USD
Castilleja occidentalis
Western Indian Paintbrush
Packet $3.50 USD
Chamerion angustifolium
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $12.00 USD
Qtr oz $20.00 USD
Clematis hirsutissima v. scottii
packet $3.50 USD
Cleome serrulata
Rocky Mountain Beeplant
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $6.00 USD
Commelina erecta
Pkt $6.00 USD
Coreopsis tinctoria
Plains Coreopsis
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $3.50 USD
Qtr oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $5.00 USD
Pound $20.00 USD
Dalea candida
White Prairie Clover
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $3.50 USD
Quarter oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $6.00 USD
Dalea candida oligophylla
White Prairie Clover
Pkt $3.50 USD
Dalea cylindriceps
Rabbitfoot Dalea
Packet $3.00 USD
Dalea jamesii
James Prairie Clover
Pkt $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $10.00 USD
Qtr oz $18.00 USD
Dalea purpurea
Purple Prairie Clover
Packet $3.00 USD
Quarter oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $5.00 USD
Delphinium barbeyi
Subalpine Larkspur
Packet $3.00 USD
Delphinium nuttallianum
Two Lobe Larkspur
Pkt $3.50 USD
Delphinium occidentalis
Western Larkspur
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $10.00 USD
Delphinium ramosum
Mountain Larkspur
Packet $3.00 USD
Delphinium virescens
Prairie Larkspur
Packet $3.50 USD
Dodecatheum pulchellum
Shooting Star
Packet $4.00 USD
Echinacea angustifolia
Black Samson
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $5.00 USD
Quarter oz $10.00 USD
Ounce $20.00 USD
Engelmannia persitenia
Engelmann Daisy
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $8.00 USD
Erigeron speciosus
Aspen Fleabane Daisy
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Quarter oz $10.00 USD
Ounce $20.00 USD
Eriogonum heracleoides
Parsnipflower Wild Buckwheat
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $8.00 USD
Eriogonum flavum
Golden Buckwheat
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.75 USD
Quarter oz $7.50 USD
Ounce $15.00 USD
Eriogonum jamesii v. jamesii
James Wild Buckwheat
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.75 USD
Quarter oz $7.50 USD
Ounce $15.00 USD
Eriogonum subalpinum
Creamflower Buckwheat
Packet $3.00 USD
Eriogonum umbellatum
Sulphurflower Buckwheat
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $8.00 USD
Qtr oz $12.00 USD
Erysimum capitatum
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $12.00 USD
Qtr oz $20.00 USD
Erythronium grandiflorum
Yellow Avalanche Lily
packet $3.50 USD
Eschscholzia californica
California Poppy
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $6.00 USD
Eucepahlus engelmannii
Engelmann Aster
Packet $3.00 USD
Frasera speciosa
Monument Plant
packet $3.50 USD
Gaillardia aristata
Perennial Blanketflower, Meriwether
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $8.00 USD
Gaillardia pinnatifida
Adobe Blanketflower
Packet $3.00 USD
Gaillardia pulchella
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $6.00 USD
Gentiana parryi
Mountain Gentian
packet $3.00 USD
Geranium viscosissimum
Sticky Geranium
packet $3.00 USD
Geum macrophyllum
Large Leaved Avens
Packet $3.50 USD
Glandularia bipinnatifida
Dakota Vervain
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $8.00 USD
Grindelia squarrosa
Curly Cup Gumweed
Packet $3.50 USD
Hedysarum boreale
Northern Sweetvetch
Packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $4.00 USD
qtr oz $5.00 USD
oz $10.00 USD
Helenium autumnale
Packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $4.75 USD
qtr oz $7.50 USD
oz $15.00 USD
Helianthella quinquenervis
Aspen Sunflower
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.75 USD
Qtr oz $7.50 USD
Ounce $15.00 USD
Helianthus maxmiliani
Maxmillians Sunflower
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $3.50 USD
Quarter oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $5.00 USD
Pound $24.00 USD
Helianthus nuttallii
Marsh Sunflower
Packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $4.00 USD
qtr oz $5.00 USD
oz $10.00 USD
Helianthus petiolaris
Plains Sunflower
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $5.00 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $8.00 USD
Helianthus pumilus
Foothills Sunflower
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.75 USD
Qtr oz $7.50 USD
Ounce $15.00 USD
Heliomeris multiflora
Showy Goldeneye
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.75 USD
Quarter oz $7.50 USD
Ounce $15.00 USD
Heracleum maximum
Cow Parsnip
Packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $3.50 USD
qtr oz $4.00 USD
oz $8.00 USD
Hymenoxys hoopesii
Orange Mountain Daisy
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $10.00 USD
Iliamna rivularis
Wild Hollyhock
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Qtr oz $10.00 USD
Ipomopsis aggregata
Scarlet Gilia
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $10.00 USD
Qtr oz $18.00 USD
Ounce $60.00 USD
Ipomopsis spicata
Spike Gilia
Pkt $3.50 USD
Ipomopsis longiflora
Blue Gilia
Packet $3.50 USD
Leptodactylon pungens
Prickly Gilia
Packet $3.00 USD
Liatris punctata
Dotted Gayfeather
Packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $6.00 USD
Qtr oz $10.00 USD
Ligularia amplectens
Showy Groundsel
packet $3.00 USD
Ligularia bigelovii
Nodding Groundsel
packet $3.00 USD
Ligusticum porteri
Porters Licoriceroot
Pkt $3.50 USD
Linum lewisii
Blue Flax, Maple Grove
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $3.70 USD
Quarter oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $5.00 USD
Pound $35.00 USD
Linum perenne
Blue Flax, Appar
packet $3.00 USD
Qtr oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $5.00 USD
Pound $20.00 USD
Linum puberulum
Yellow Flax
Pkt $3.50 USD
Lithospermum multiflorum
Packet $3.00 USD
Lupinus plattensis
Platte Lupine
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $12.00 USD
Lupinus pusillus
Dwarf Lupine
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Qtr oz $9.00 USD
Lupinus sericeus
Silky Lupine
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $10.00 USD
Machaeranthera bigelovii
Purple Aster
Packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $5.00 USD
Qtr oz $7.50 USD
oz $15.00 USD
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia
Tansy Aster
Packet $3.00 USD
Melampodium leucanthum
Blackfooted Daisy
packet $3.00 USD
Menodora scabra
Broom Menodora
packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $4.75 USD
Qtr oz $7.50 USD
oz $15.00 USD
Mentzelia decapetala
Giant Blazingstar
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $5.00 USD
Qtr oz $8.00 USD
Mentzelia multiflora
Adonis Blazingstar
Packet $3.00 USD
Mimulus guttatus
Seep Monkeyflower
Packet $3.50 USD
Mirabilis multiflora
Wild Four O'Clock
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $5.00 USD
Qtr oz $8.00 USD
Ounce $15.00 USD
Monarda fistulosa
Wild Bergamot
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $8.00 USD
Monarda pectinata
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $8.00 USD
Qtr oz $12.00 USD
Oenothera albicaulis
Whitestem Evening Primrose
Packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $8.00 USD
Qtr oz $12.00 USD
Oenothera caespitosa
Stemless Evening Primrose
packet $3.00 USD
Oenothera coronopifolia
Crownleaf Evening Primrose
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $12.00 USD
Qtr oz $18.00 USD
Oenothera elata
Tall Evening Primrose
packet $3.00 USD
Oenothera pallida
Pale Evening Primrose
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $10.00 USD
Oenothera villosa
Hairy Evening Primrose
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Onosmodium molle
packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $6.00 USD
Opuntia macrorhiza
Prickly Pear
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Orthocarpus luteus
Yellow Owls Clover
packet $3.00 USD
Oxytropis lambertii
Showy Locoweed
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Qtr oz $10.00 USD
Ounce $20.00 USD
Oxytropis sericea
Silky Locoweed
packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
oz $10.00 USD
Pedicularis groenlandica
Elephant Heads
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $8.00 USD
Quarter oz $14.00 USD
Pedicularis parryi
Parry's Lousewort
Pkt $3.50 USD
Pedicularis procera
Giant Lousewort
packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $4.00 USD
qtr oz $5.00 USD
oz $10.00 USD
Penstemon acuminatus
Sand Penstemon
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.25 USD
Qtr oz $7.50 USD
Ounce $15.00 USD
Penstemon angustifolius
Pagoda Penstemon
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Quarter oz $10.00 USD
Ounce $25.00 USD
Penstemon auriberbis
Golden Beardtongue
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $8.00 USD
Qtr oz $12.00 USD
Ounce $30.00 USD
Penstemon barbatus
Scarlet Bugler
packet $3.50 USD
Penstemon cardinalis
Cardinal Beardtongue
Pkt $3.50 USD
Penstemon clutei
Sunset Crater Beardtongue
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $10.00 USD
Qtr oz $15.00 USD
Ounce $30.00 USD
Penstemon comarrhenus
Canyon Beardtongue
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $3.50 USD
Qtr oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $8.00 USD
Penstemon crandallii
Mat Penstemon
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $10.00 USD
Qtr oz $18.00 USD
Penstemon cyaneus
Blue Penstemon
packet $3.50 USD
Penstemon eatonii
Firecracker Penstemon
packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $4.00 USD
qtr oz $5.00 USD
oz $10.00 USD
Penstemon glaber v. alpinus
Sawsepal Penstemon
packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $4.75 USD
Qtr oz $7.50 USD
oz $15.00 USD
Penstemon griffinii
Griffin's Penstemon
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Qtr oz $8.00 USD
Ounce $20.00 USD
Penstemon hirsutus
Hairy Penstemon
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.75 USD
Quarter oz $7.50 USD
Ounce $15.00 USD
Penstemon humilis
Low Penstemon
packet $3.50 USD
Penstemon jamesii
James Beardtongue
Pkt $3.50 USD
Penstemon nitidus
Waxleaf Penstemon
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.75 USD
Quarter oz $7.50 USD
Penstemon palmeri
Palmer's Penstemon
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Penstemon payettensis
Payette Beardtongue
packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $3.50 USD
Qtr oz $4.00 USD
oz $8.00 USD
Penstemon pinifolius
Pine Leaf Penstemon, Red
Pkt $4.00 USD
Penstemon pinifolius
Pine Leaf Penstemon, Yellow
Pkt $4.00 USD
Penstemon rydbergii
Rydberg's Penstemon
packet $3.50 USD
Penstemon secundiflorus
Sidebells Penstemon
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Quarter oz $12.00 USD
Penstemon speciosus
Showy Penstemon
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $10.00 USD
Penstemon strictus
Rocky Mountain Penstemon
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $6.00 USD
Penstemon superbus
Superb Beardtongue
packet $3.00 USD
Penstemon teucrioides
Germander Beardtongue
Pkt $3.50 USD
Penstemon venustus
Venus Penstemon
packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $3.50 USD
qtr oz $4.00 USD
oz $8.00 USD
Penstemon virens
Blue Mist Penstemon
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $8.00 USD
Penstemon virgatus
Wand Penstemon
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $10.00 USD
Penstemon whippleanus
Dusky Beardtongue
packet $3.00 USD
Penstemon wilcoxii
Wilcox Beardtongue
packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $3.50 USD
qtr oz $4.00 USD
oz $8.00 USD
Phacelia heterophylla
White Scorpionplant
packet $3.50 USD
Phacelia sericea
Silky Phacelia
packet $3.00 USD
Polanisia dodecandra
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Quarter oz $6.00 USD
Ounce $10.00 USD
Polemonium foliosissimum
Tall Jacobs Ladder
packet $3.00 USD
1/8 oz $4.75 USD
qtr oz $7.50 USD
oz $15.00 USD
Polygonum bistortoides
American Bistort
Pkt $3.50 USD
Potentilla hippiana
Wooly Cinquefoil
Pkt $3.50 USD
Pseudocymopterus montanus
Mountain False Parsley
Pkt $3.50 USD
Pulsatilla patens
Pasque Flower
Packet $3.50 USD
Ratibida columnifera
Prairie Coneflower
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $3.70 USD
Qtr oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $5.00 USD
Ratibida columnifera pulchra
Mexican Hat
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $3.70 USD
Quarter oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $5.00 USD
Rhodiola rhodantha
Queens Crown
packet $3.00 USD
Rudbeckia hirta
Black-eyed Susan
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $3.50 USD
Qtr oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $5.00 USD
Rudbeckia laciniata ampla
Cutleaf Coneflower
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $10.00 USD
Rudbeckia occidentalis
Western Coneflower
packet $3.00 USD
eighth oz $4.00 USD
qtr oz $6.00 USD
ounce $10.00 USD
Saxifraga bronchialis austromontana
Matted Saxifrage
packet $3.00 USD
Sedum lanceolatum
Packet $5.00 USD
Senecio atratus
Blacktip Groundsel
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $10.00 USD
Senecio flaccidus v. douglasii
Threadleaf Groundsel
Packet $3.00 USD
Silene drummondii
Drummond's Campion
Pkt $3.50 USD
Silene scouleri
Simple Campion
Pkt $3.50 USD
Sphaeralcea ambigua
Desert Globemallow
packet $3.50 USD
Sphaeralcea coccinea
Scarlet Globemallow
packet $3.00 USD
Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia
Gooseberryleaf Globemallow
packet $3.00 USD
Sphaeralcea munroana
Munro's Globemallow
packet $3.50 USD
Stanleya pinnata
Prince's Plume
packet $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $5.00 USD
Qtr oz $8.00 USD
Ounce $15.00 USD
Stanleya albescens
White Prince's Plume
Pkt $3.50 USD
Symphyotrichum laeve
Smooth Blue Aster
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $10.00 USD
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
New England Aster
packet $3.50 USD
Talinum parviflorum
Small Fame Flower
Packet $3.50 USD
Tetraneuris acaulis
Perky Sue
Packet $4.00 USD
Thelesperma filifolium
Green Threadleaf
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $3.50 USD
Quarter oz $4.00 USD
Ounce $8.00 USD
Thermopsis divaricarpa
Golden Banner
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Thermopsis rhombifolia
Arroyo Golden Banner
packet $3.00 USD
Qtr oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $10.00 USD
Townsendia fendleri
Fendlers Easter Daisy
Pkt $3.50 USD
Eighth oz $6.00 USD
Qtr oz $10.00 USD
Ounce $30.00 USD
Tradescantia occidentalis
Western Spiderwort
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $8.00 USD
Quarter oz $12.50 USD
Ounce $25.00 USD
Trollius laxus albiflorus
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $8.00 USD
Qtr oz $15.00 USD
Ounce $30.00 USD
Verbena hastata
Blue Vervain
Packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $6.00 USD
Viola nuttallii
Yellow Violet
Packet $5.00 USD
Wyethia amplexicaulis
Mule's Ears
packet $3.00 USD
Eighth oz $4.00 USD
Quarter oz $5.00 USD
Ounce $8.00 USD
Yucca glauca
Spanish Bayonet
Packet $3.00 USD
Ounce $4.00 USD
Seed packets contain 20-200+ seeds (depending on the size of the size of the seed)
Prices are subject to change without notice, and all seed is subject to prior sale.