Dalea candida ( White Prairie Clover )
Habitat Plains, deserts, p-j woodland
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun-part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 10-18 USDA Zones 3-8
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-32 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 374000 Lbs per acre 5

Germination Information

No pre-treatment needed. Plant outside spring or summer or in pots indoors. plant to 1/16 to 1/8 inch deep

Other Information

fixes nitrogen, host plant for Reakirts Blue Echinargus isola. Insect Pollinated.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Pricing, var. oligophylla

Range of Dalea candida

Dalea cylindriceps ( Rabbitfoot Dalea )
Habitat Great Plains, sand prairies
Soil sandy Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-18 USDA Zones 5-6
Bloom Period June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-24 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 350000 Lbs per acre 5

Germination Information

30 day cool moist stratification. Plant outside in the fall, cover with 1/16 to 1/8 inch of soil or sand.


Range of Dalea cylindriceps

Dalea jamesii ( James Dalea )
Habitat Great Plains, pinon juniper meadows
Soil coarse-sandy Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-18 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 2-6 Width (in) 6-12
Seeds per lb 350000 Lbs per acre 5

Germination Information

30 day cool moist stratification. Plant outside in the fall, cover with 1/16 to 1/8 inch of soil or sand.


Range of Dalea jamesii

Dalea purpurea ( Purple Prairie Clover )
Habitat Plains, foothills, deserts, dry soils
Soil coarse-sandy Sun Full sun - part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 3-8
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-20 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 293000 Lbs per acre 6

Germination Information

No pre-treatment needed. Plant outside spring or summer or in pots indoors. Plant to 1/16 to 1/8 inch deep

Other Information

Seed eaten by birds, flowers attract bees and butterflies, fixes nitrogen. host plant for Zeren Cesonia S. Dogface butterfly also Marine Blue, Leptotes marina, Reakirts Blue Echinargus isola

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Dalea purpurea

Delphinium barbeyi ( Tall Larkspur )
Habitat Montane-subalpine meadows, woodlands
Soil sandy-loamy Sun partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 2-3
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 20-48 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 500000 Lbs per acre 3

Germination Information

no pretreatment, 30 day cool moist may improve germination or plant outside fall to early spring. plant on soil surface or to 1/16 inch deep


Range of Delphinium barbeyi

Delphinium nuttallianum ( Nelsons Larkspur )
Habitat Sagebrush, pinon-juniper, mountain brush and aspen grove meadows often moist in the spring
Soil sandy-clayey Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 11-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period April-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-18 Width (in) 4-6
Seeds per lb 600000 Lbs per acre 3

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in fall to late winter. Plant 1/8 to 1/16 inch deep


Range of Delphinium nuttallianum

Delphinium occidentale ( Western Larkspur )
Habitat montane-subalpine, meadows and woods
Soil sandy-clayey Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 20-48 Width (in) 12-18
Seeds per lb 500000 Lbs per acre 3

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in fall to late winter. Plant 1/8 to 1/16 inch deep


Range of Delphinium occidentale

Delphinium ramosum ( Showy Larkspur )
Habitat Montane to subalpine, wet soils
Soil sandy-loamy Sun partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 15-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 20-40 Width (in) 12-24
Seeds per lb 558420 Lbs per acre 3

Germination Information

No pre-treatment needed. Plant outside spring or summer or in pots indoors. Plant to 1/16 to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Delphinium ramosum

Delphinium virescens ( Prairie Larkspur )
Habitat Great Plains, pastures
Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-16 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period April-May Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 20-48 Width (in) 4-8
Seeds per lb 558420 Lbs per acre 3

Germination Information

No pre-treatment needed. Plant outside spring or summer or in pots indoors. Plant to 1/16 to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Delphinium virescens

Dodecatheon pulchellum ( Shooting Star )
Habitat Foothills-subalpine wet meadows, seeps, creeksides
Soil sandy-clayey Sun full sun-part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 3-7
Bloom Period May-June Life SpanPerennial
Height (in) 4-12 Width (in) 2-4
Seeds per lb 1000000 Lbs per acre 0.5

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/16 in deep or sow on soil surface and press into soil.


Range of Dodecatheon pulchellum

Draba reptans ( Prairie Draba )
Habitat Plains, meadows
Soil sandy-clayey Sun full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-18 USDA Zones 4-7
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Annual
Height (in) 1-4 Width (in) 1-2
Seeds per lb 1000000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/16 in deep or sow on soil surface and press into soil.


Range of Draba reptans

Echinacea angustifolia ( Black Samson )
Habitat Northern and western G.P.
Soil loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-24 USDA Zones 4-9
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-24 Width (in) 8-24
Seeds per lb 81720 Lbs per acre 21

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/8 inch deep

Other Information

produces insecticidal compounds

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Echinacea angustifolia

Engelmannia peristenia ( Engelmann's Daisy )
Habitat Great Plains, calcareous or sandy soils
Soil sandy, calcareous Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-15 USDA Zones 5-8
Bloom Period May-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 10-20 Width (in) 10-20
Seeds per lb 217920 Lbs per acre 8

Germination Information

no pretreatment necessary. plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Engelmannia peristenia

Erigeron elatior ( Tall Fleabane Daisy )
Habitat Montane-subalpine, moist to dry soils, allegedly deer proof
Soil sandy-clayey Sun partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-30 Width (in) 6-12
Seeds per lb 1000000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


--Sold Out--
Range of Erigeron elatior

Erigeron formosissimus (Beautiful Daisy )
HabitatSagebrush, montane, subalpine, sun-part shade
Soil sandy-clayey Sun partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 8-18 Width (in) 8-18
Seeds per lb 1000000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Erigeron formosissimus

Erigeron peregrinus( Subalpine Fleabane Daisy )
Habitat Subalpine meadows
Soil Coarse-sandy Sun Full sun-part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20+USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 10-18 Width (in) 10-18
Seeds per lb 1000000 Lbs per acre 0.5

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Place on soil surface and cover with a thin layer of sand or soil.


Range of Erigeron peregrinus

Erigeron pumilus( Dwarf Fleabane Daisy )
Habitat Foothills, p-j. plains, sagebrush. Dry sites
Soil Coarse-sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 2-12 Width (in) 3-6
Seeds per lb 1000000 Lbs per acre 0.5

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Place on soil surface and cover with a thin layer of sand or soil.


Range of Erigeron pumilus

Erigeron speciosus ( Showy Fleabane Daisy )
Habitat Foothills-Montane, dry soils,
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-24 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-18 Width (in) 12-18
Seeds per lb 1135000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/8 inch deep

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Erigeron speciosus

Eriogonum flavum ( Golden Wild Buckwheat )
Habitat Montane to subalpine meadow
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 15-30 USDA Zones 2-4
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-10 Width (in) 8-24
Seeds per lb 250000 Lbs per acre 8

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary or 30-45 day cool moist stratification. Plant outside fall or spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Eriogonum flavum

Eriogonum heracleoides ( Parsnipflower Wild Buckwheat )
Habitat Mixed Conifer and Aspen Grove meadows
Soil gravely-sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-18 USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-18 Width (in) 8-24
Seeds per lb 250000 Lbs per acre 8

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary or 30-45 day cool moist stratification. Plant outside fall or spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Eriogonum heracleoides

Eriogonum jamesii v jamesii ( James Buckwheat )
Habitat Plains to Montane, coarse soils, dry washes
Soil gravely-sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-18 USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period July-Sept Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-12 Width (in) 6-24
Seeds per lb 400000 Lbs per acre 4

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary. Plant outside fall or spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Eriogonum jamesii jamesii

Eriogonum racemosum ( Racemose Buckwheat )
Habitat Sagebrush to montane meadows
Soil gravely-sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 15-30 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-24 Width (in) 6-10
Seeds per lb 350,000 Lbs per acre 4

Germination Information

Probably needs cold moist stratification. Plant outside fall or early winter. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Eriogonum racemosum

Eriogonum subalpinum ( Cream Buckwheat )
Habitat Aspen grove meadows to subalpine
Soil gravely-sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period July-Sept Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-18 Width (in) 6-24
Seeds per lb 350,000 Lbs per acre 4

Germination Information

Probably needs cold moist stratification. Plant outside fall or early winter. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Eriogonum subalpinum

Eriogonum umbellatum ( Sulfur Flower )
Habitat Sagebrush, mid to high elevation,
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 15-30 USDA Zones 3-7
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-18 Width (in) 6-24
Seeds per lb 700000 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

30-120 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall to early spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Eriogonum umbellatum

Erysimum capitatum ( Wallflower )
Habitat Plains-montane, dry soils,
Soil coarse-sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 3-6
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Annual
Height (in) 16-40 Width (in) 6-18
Seeds per lb 1085504 Lbs per acre 2

Germination Information

21-30 day cool moist stratification or plant outside late fall or early spring. Plant on soil surface or to 1/16 inch deep.


Range of Erysimum capitatum

Eschscholzia californica ( California Poppy )
Habitat California, but naturalized elsewhere
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 8-16 USDA Zones 5-8
Bloom Period Feb-May Life Span Annual
Height (in) 4-18 Width (in) 4-12
Seeds per lb 293000 Lbs per acre 6

Germination Information

No pretreatment. Plant outside fall to spring. Plant to 1/16 inch deep

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Eschscholzia californica

Eucephalus engelmannii ( Engelmann's Aster )
Habitat Aspen groves, partial shade,
Soil sandy-loamy Sun partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20-40 USDA Zones 2-3
Bloom Period Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 20-60 Width (in) 12-18
Seeds per lb 141000 Lbs per acre 12

Germination Information

Plant outside fall to spring. Plant to 1/8 inch deep


Range of Eucephalus engelmannii

Frasera speciosa (Monument Plant )
Habitat Aspen groves, montane and subalpine forests and meadows
Soil gravely-loamy Sun Full sun-partial shade
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 2-4
Bloom Period June-July Life SpanBiennial
Height (in) 20-60 Width (in) 12-36
Seeds per lb 500000 Lbs per acre 3

Germination Information

90-120 day cold moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Frasera speciosa

Gaillardia aristata ( Perennial Blanketflower )



Habitat Montane, aspen groves, open meadows.
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 15-24 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period July-August Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-24 Width (in) 4-12
Seeds per lb 132000 Lbs per acre 13

Germination Information

No pretreatment, plant outside spring or summer 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)

USDA Plant Guide (pdf), Meriwether

Pricing, Meriwether

Pricing, Common


Range of Gaillardia aristata

Gaillardia pinnatifida ( Adobe Blanketflower )
Habitat Plains, foothills, deserts
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-7
Bloom Period April-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-24 Width (in) 6-10
Seeds per lb 136200 Lbs per acre 13

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary, plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.

Other Information

nectar for butterflies


Range of Gaillardia pinnatifida

Gaillardia pulchella ( Indian Blanketflower )
Habitat Southern G.P. and Son. and Chih.
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 7-30 USDA Zones 5-9
Bloom Period April-June Life Span Annual
Height (in) 4-24 Width (in) 6-10
Seeds per lb 220000 Lbs per acre 8

Germination Information

No pretreatment, plant outside spring or summer. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Gaillardia pulchella

Gentiana affinis ( Meadow Gentian )
Habitat Montane-subalpine, moist meadows
Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July-Sept Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 6-18 Width (in) 4-12
Seeds per lb 2000000 Lbs per acre 1

Germination Information

30 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall or early spring. Plant to 1/16 inch deep.


Range of Gentiana affinis

Gentiana parryi ( Mountain Gentian )
Habitat Montane-Subalpine dry meadows
Soil coarse-sandy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 3-4
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 8-18 Width (in) 4-12
Seeds per lb 3859000 Lbs per acre 0.25

Germination Information

30 day cool moist stratification or plant outside fall or early spring. Plant to 1/16 inch deep.


Range of Gentiana parryi

Geranium viscosissimum ( Sticky Geranium )
Habitat Great plains-montane, aspen groves
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 8-24 Width (in) 12-36
Seeds per lb 65830 Lbs per acre 26

Germination Information

Scarify and plant outside spring or summer. Plant up to 1/4 in deep

USDA Plant Guide (pdf)


Range of Geranium viscosissimum

Geum macrophyllum ( Large-leaved Avens )
Habitat Montane wet meadows, streamsides
Soil sandy-clayey Sun Sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 2-4
Bloom Period July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-30 Width (in) 10-18
Seeds per lb 300000 Lbs per acre 6

Germination Information

No pretreatment necessary, plant outside spring or summer to 1/16 inch deep.


Range of Geum macrophyllum

Geum triflorum ( Prairie Smoke )
Habitat Plains-subalpine, dry to moist soils
Soil loamy Sun Sun- part shade
Annual Precip. (in) 16-40 USDA Zones 3-5
Bloom Period June-July Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-30 Width (in) 6-12
Seeds per lb 300000 Lbs per acre 6

Germination Information

No pretreatment plant on soils surface and cover with a thin layer of sand, 30 day cool moist may improve germination.


--Sold Out--
Range of Geum triflorum

Glandularia bipinnatifida (Dakota Vervain)
Habitat Plains, lower elevation pj meadows, often in disturbed ground
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 10-15 USDA Zones 4-7
Bloom Period May-June Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 4-12 Width (in) 12-48
Seeds per lb 800000 Lbs per acre 1

Germination Information

Plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/8 inch deep.


Range of Glandularia bipinnatifida

Glycyrhiza lepidota ( Wild Licorice )
Habitat Plains-foothills, ditches, moist soils
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 20-36 USDA Zones 46
Bloom Period June-Aug Life Span Perennial
Height (in) 12-48 Width (in) 12-48
Seeds per lb 58000 Lbs per acre 30

Germination Information

Scarify or 30-60 day cool moist or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/4 inch deep

Range of Glycyrhiza lepidota

Grindelia squarrosa (Curlycup Gumweed )
Habitat Plains-montane, roadsides, meadows, disturbed habitats
Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun
Annual Precip. (in) 11-20 USDA Zones 4-6
Bloom Period July-Aug Life Span Annual
Height (in) 12-36 Width (in) 12-48
Seeds per lb 400,000 Lbs per acre 5

Germination Information

30-60 day cool moist or plant outside in the fall. Plant to 1/4 inch deep


Range of Grindelia squarrosa