Habitat plains-montane
dry slopes, loose or sandy soil Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 6-20 USDA Zones 3-7 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 8-24 Width (in) 8-24 Seeds per lb 141000 Lbs per acre 8-14
Cultivar Information Rimrock (pdf) - high protein seed selected for higher seed retention less shatter from Billings MT,
Nezpar (pdf) originally collected from south of White Bird, ID selected for low dormancy, has erect growth with more leaves,
Paloma (pdf) was originally collected from west of Pueblo CO, is very drought tolerant and long lived.
White River (pdf) - source ID from White River NF
Germination Information Cool moist stratification for 30-45 days, or plant outside in the fall. plant to 1/4 inch deep. May take 2-3 years to germinate.
Pricing, Rimrock
Range of Achnatherum hymenoides
Habitat Plains-montane, dry, dry meadows, deep soil Soil loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-5 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 24-48 Width (in) 12-24 Seeds per lb 175000 Lbs per acre 12-16
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information Scarify with sandpaper then 30-60 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. plant to 1/8 inch deep.
Other Information Many small songbirds eat the seeds.
Range of Achnatherum robustum
Habitat Plains-subalpine moist to wet meadows Soil Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) dry to moist USDA Zones 2-5 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 8-24 Width (in) 6-12 Seeds per lb 5400000 Lbs per acre 1-2
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. Plant on soil surface.
Pricing SOLD OUT
Range of Agrostis scabra
Andropogon gerardii Big Bluestem
Habitat Tallgrass prairie, coarse soils, foothills. Soil coarse to loamy Sun Full sun - part shade Annual Precip. (in) 16-48 USDA Zones 4-9 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 32-80 Width (in) 18-30 Seeds per lb 191000 Lbs per acre 6-12
Cultivar Information Kaw (pdf) origin KS bred for drought tolerance and pastures
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside spring to midsummer. Plant to 1/4 inch deep and cover with a thin layer of mulch. Soil temperature should be above 50F to germinate. Keep soil moist until seed germinates, then reduce watering to a few times a week, keeping an eye out for wilting.
Pricing, Kaw
Range of Andropogon gerardii
Andropogon hallii Sand Bluestem
Habitat Sand Prairie, sand dunes, blow outs Soil sandy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 10-32 USDA Zones 3-7 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 32-80 Width (in) 32-80 Seeds per lb 113000 Lbs per acre 6-12
Cultivar Information Woodward A variety for the southern great plains
Garden A composite of collections from Garden County Nebraska. Tall and leafy producing more biomass and seed than Goldstrike.
Goldstrike From collections in the northern and western sandhills of Nebraska. Selected for lack of rust and seed color. Variable in height and spread. Has blue-green leaf color early in the season and striking gold color of inflorescence later in the season.
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside fall or spring. plant 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep.
Pricing, Goldstrike
Range of Andropogon hallii
Habitat Moist to wet soils higher elevation Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 30-60 USDA Zones 2-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 8-24 Width (in) 6-12 Seeds per lb 900000 Lbs per acre 5-10
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside fall or spring. plant to 1/8 inch deep. Takes up to 3 weeks to germinate.
Pricing SOLD OUT
Range of Beckmannia syzigachne
Habitat Dry mid-grass prairie to pinyon-juniper Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-8 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 10-30 Width (in) 6-18 Seeds per lb 190000 Lbs per acre 8-12
Cultivar Information Pierre (pdf) from Stanley Co. SD selected for vigor, leafiness, drought tolerance
Vaughn (pdf) From Vaughn NM, seedling vigor and easy to establish
Niner (pdf) from near Socorro NM,
Butte (pdf) from Holt & Platte Co. NE, selected for germinability,
El Reno (pdf) from El Reno OK selected for forage and seed production,
Kildeer from Dunn Co. ND for cold and semi-arid,
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside spring to mid summer. plant to 1/8 inch deep
Pricing, El Reno
Range of Bouteloua curtipendula
Habitat Plains - Montane meadows, Soil sandy to clayey, sandy best Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 3-8 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 4-16 Width (in) 3-18 Seeds per lb 711000 Lbs per acre 4-6
Cultivar Information Bad River (pdf) from Haakon Co SD, ease of germination,
Lovington (pdf) from Lovington NM, seeedling vigor and fast establishment,
Hachita (pdf) , from Hachita NM, most drought tolerant,
Alma (pdf) is composite of Hachita, Lovington and PMK1483 for S Great Plains should emerge for deeper soil plantings,
CO Native wild ecotype from Fremont County Colorado at about 5200ft elevation
Germination Information Plant outside late fall or spring to mid summer. plant 1/32 to 1/16 inch deep and cover with a thin layer of mulch. Then water the area once or twice a day for a week (the soil should be kept moist but not soaked). Then water two to three times a week for 2 more weeks, then once a week for 2-3 more weeks, then twice a month if you receive no rain.
Other Information Host plant for Green Skipper (Hesperia viridis). Food for Turkey, Finches, Longspurs, Brewer Sparrow, Jack Rabbit, Pocket Mouse, Prairie Dog, Kangaroo Rat, Antelope, Deer Elk, Bison, Sheep.
Pricing, Alma
Pricing, Bad River
Pricing, Lovington
Range of Bouteloua gracilis
Habitat Montane-subalpine meadows, Soil sandy-loamy Sun Sun-part shade Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 3-7 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 24-48 Width (in) 6-18 Seeds per lb 236000 Lbs per acre 12-22
Cultivar Information Central CO - source ID from Chaffee County Colorado
Germination Information No pretreatment, plant outside fall or spring. plant to 1/4 inch deep. Takes up to 3 weeks to germinate
Range of Bromus ciliatus
Habitat Montane to subalpine, woods/meadows Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 3-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 12-48 Width (in) 12-24 Seeds per lb 64080 Lbs per acre 12-25
Cultivar Information Garnet from Powell Co. MT, longer lived and less head smut than Bromar.
Cold Spring source identified material from Montrose County Colorado
Germination Information No pretreatment. Plant outside fall or spring. plant to 1/4 inch deep.
Pricing, Bromar
Pricing, Garnet --Sold Out --
Range of Bromus marginatus
Habitat Short-grass prairies, clay to loam soil Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 7-32 USDA Zones 4-8 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 4-8 Width (in) Seeds per lb 56000 Lbs per acre 10-18
Cultivar Information Sundancer is supposed to establish faster, have a darker green color and form a better turf than previous cultivars.
Bison from OK general purpose turf,
Texoka from TX OK and KS for seed production,
Cody a turf type goes dormant early for cold hardiness, greens up earlier than Texoka, gray green color and drought tolerance,
Topgun ,
Bowie dark green color and cold tolerance
Prestige, Legacy, Prairie, 378 and 609 are all vegetative.
Germination Information no pretreament necessary, plant to depth of 1/4 inch spring to midsummer. Lightly compact the soil and cover with a thin layer of mulch. Water moderately (once or twice a day) until seed germinates. Continue watering 2-3 times a week after germination for 2-4 weeks. No further water necessary after first growing season. May take 2-3 weeks to germinate. Cold weather or cold water may delay germination. Can be watered 0.5 inch a month to keep from going dormant.
Other Information Has male and female plants
Pricing, Texoka
Pricing, Sharps Improved
Range of Buchloe dactyloides
Habitat Montane-subalpine, wet to moist soil Soil loamy-clayey Sun partial shade Annual Precip. (in) 20-40 USDA Zones 2-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 20-48 Width (in) 18-36 Seeds per lb 4480000 Lbs per acre 4-8
Cultivar Information Sourdough (pdf) central AK for winter hardiness and revegetation
Germination Information no pretreatment, plant outside spring to mid summer. plant on soil surface and cover with a thin layer of mulch
Range of Calamagrostis canadensis
Habitat Sandy plains, dunes and blow outs Soil sandy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 12-22 USDA Zones 4-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 20-60 Width (in) Seeds per lb 273000 Lbs per acre 6-10
Cultivar Information Goshen (pdf) origin eastern MT & WY selected for reveg of sandy soil,
Pronghorn (pdf) selection from KS SD & NE high leaf rust resistance than Goshen
Germination Information No pretreatment, can be buried up to 12cm under sand. plant outside spring to mid summer. Optimum germination at 25 C day and 10 C night
Pricing, Goshen Range of Calamovilfa longifolia
Habitat Montane meadows, full sun, dry soils Soil coarse-sandy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 3-4 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 12-30 Width (in) 12-24 Seeds per lb 100000 Lbs per acre 8-16
Cultivar Information
Germination Information no pretreatment or scarify then cool moist stratify for 30-60 days or plant outside in fall. plant to 1/8 inch deep
Range of Danothina parryi
Habitat Plains to Montane to alpine moist meadows Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 14-24 USDA Zones 2-5 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 10-40 Width (in) 6-18 Seeds per lb 2500000 Lbs per acre 2-4
Cultivar Information Nortran (pdf) from AK and Iceland selected for cold tolerance and disesase resistance
Peru Creek from Colorado for high altitude low pH sites
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside fall or spring. plant 1/8 inch deep 7-14 days to germinate if kept consistently moist.
Pricing, VNS
Pricing, Peru Creek
Range of Deschampsia cespitosa
Habitat G.P.-foothills, alkaline, wet-moist soil Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 5-70 USDA Zones 3-9 Growth Season Warm Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 4-16 Width (in) Seeds per lb 519000 Lbs per acre 6-12
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information germinates with widely varying temps, 105F 8 hrs then 40F for 16 hrs or scarify, soak in water and 14-28 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall. plant 1/8 to 1/16 inch deep
Other Information Dioecious. Alternate host for red rust that infects spinach.
Range of Distichlis spicata
Habitat Foothills-montane, dry coarse soils Soil Coarse to sandy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 4-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 16-32 Width (in) Seeds per lb 150000 Lbs per acre 6-11
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information No pretreatment
Range of Elymus albicans
Habitat Plains to montane, moist soils Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun- part shade Annual Precip. (in) 15-30 USDA Zones 4-9 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 24-48 Width (in) 18-24 Seeds per lb 114000 Lbs per acre 12-18
Cultivar Information Mandan (pdf) from central ND selected for fineness of leaves, leafiness, short stature and resistance to stem rust
Germination Information no pretreatment. plant outside spring or summer. plant to 1/4 inch deep.
Pricing, Mandan
Range of Elymus canadensis
Habitat Plains to subalpine, G.B., disturbed sites Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 5-20 USDA Zones 4-8 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 4-20 Width (in) 6-10 Seeds per lb 192000 Lbs per acre 12-22
Cultivar Information Fish Creek (pdf) from Blaine Co. ID. slightly easier to harvest,
Toe Jam (pdf) from Elko Co. NV slightly smaller awns,
Pleasant Valley from Baker Co. OR zone 5a, 14 in. average precipitation,
Tusas (pdf) from numerous sites in NM,
Pueblo (pdf) from SW of Pueblo CO at 7200 ft,
Wapiti (pdf) from Rio Blanco Co. CO 7800 ft.
Germination Information no pretreatment. plant outside spring or summer. plant to 1/4 inch. Takes up to 2 weeks to germinate
Other Information Can hybridize with other Elymus sp, Psuedoroegneria sp and Hordeum sp. Early seral stage species. Can compete with Cheatgrass and Medusahead Wildrye.
Pricing, Turkey Creek
Pricing, Pueblo SOLD OUT
Range of Elymus elymoides
Habitat Montane-subalpine, aspen groves Soil sandy-clayey Sun partial shade Annual Precip. (in) 16-60 USDA Zones 2-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 20-48 Width (in) 12-18 Seeds per lb 130000 Lbs per acre 12-22
Cultivar Information Arlington (pdf) from Snohomoish Co WA 200 ft short lived good for erosion control,
Elkton (pdf) from Douglas Co OR 400 ft short lived but quick from seed,
Germination Information no pretreatment or 21 day cool moist stratification. Plant outside fall or spring. plant to 1/4 inch deep
Pricing, Latah
Range of Elymus glaucus
Habitat Plains-sagebrush, roadsides dry meadows, Soil Clay, loam sand Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 3-9 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 16-36 Width (in) Seeds per lb 153000 Lbs per acre 12-22
Cultivar Information Bannock (pdf) selected from 6 collections near the Dalles OR, Pocatello ID and Quincy WA selected for height, productivity and leafiness,
Critana origin Havre MT good seedling vigor and dense sod, although quite variable,
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside fall or spring. plant 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep
Pricing, Critana
Range of Elymus lanceolatus lanceolatus
Habitat Dry to moist meadows and slopes Soil Clay, loam sand Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 8-20 USDA Zones 3-8 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 16-32 Width (in) Seeds per lb 153000 Lbs per acre 12-22
Cultivar Information Sodar (pdf) from Grant Co OR selected for seedling vigor drought tolerance, vigorous rhizomatous growth and competition with weeds. Good for stabilization.
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside fall or spring. plant to 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep
Pricing, Sodar
Range of Elymus lanceolatus psammophilus
Habitat Plains-subalpine dry sites Soil coarse-sandy Sun Full sun - part shade Annual Precip. (in) 12-24 USDA Zones 3-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 16-40 Width (in) 6-12 Seeds per lb 135000 Lbs per acre 12-22
Cultivar Information Pryor (pdf) origin from saline upland site near Bridger MT better salt tolerance seedling vigor and longevity,
San Luis from Center CO longer lived and better at higher altitudes.
First Strike was selected for persistence and drought tolerance.
White River is a source identified material from the White River NF at about 10,000ft
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside spring or summer. plant to 1/4 inch deep
Pricing, First Strike
Pricing, Pryor SOLD OUT
Pricing, San Luis SOLD OUT
Pricing, White River
Range of Elymus trachycaulus
Habitat Dry sites Soil Gravelly to loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 10-20 USDA Zones 4-8 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 18-48 Width (in) 12-18 Seeds per lb 140000 Lbs per acre 6-8
Cultivar Information Discovery (pdf) Good for low elevation dry sites. Rangeland seeding and soil stabilization. Selected for better seedling survival and drought tolerance
Secar (pdf) Good for low elevation dry sites. Rangeland seeding and soil stabilization.
Germination Information No pretreatment. plant outside fall or spring. plant to 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep
Pricing, Discovery
Range of Elymus wawaensis
Habitat P-J to Montane, woodlands, meadows Soil coarse-sandy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 10-24 USDA Zones 3-5 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 10-36 Width (in) 6-12 Seeds per lb 480500 Lbs per acre 2-4
Cultivar Information Redondo (pdf) from a collection west of Los Alamos NM
Germination Information no pretreatment necessary. Plant outside fall to early spring. plant to 1/4 inch deep. Soaking in water for 24 hours before planting may improve germination. Takes up to 2 weeks to germinate
Pricing, Redondo SOLD OUT
Range of Festuca arizonica
Habitat Sagebrush-subalpine dry meadows Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 12-20 USDA Zones 4-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 12-32 Width (in) 12-18 Seeds per lb 450000 Lbs per acre 3-6
Cultivar Information Smoothing Iron source ID from WA state.
Joseph is taller and bigger than
Nezpurs , but Nezpurs has slightly high seed set. Both were originally from Idaho.
Winchester is a 'wild type' collected from near Winchester ID, at 4000ft and has variable plant characteristics.
Germination Information Plant outside fall or spring. plant 1/8 to 1/16 inch deep. Takes 2-3 weeks to germinate
Pricing, Winchester SOLD OUT
Pricing, Joseph
Range of Festuca idahoensis
Habitat Montane-subalpine dry meadows Soil coarse-loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 20-30 USDA Zones 2-4 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 10-24 Width (in) 6-12 Seeds per lb 530000 Lbs per acre 2-4
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information No pretreatment. Plant outside fall to spring. plant to 1/16 inch deep. Takes up to 3 weeks to germinate
Range of Festuca saximontana
Habitat Montane, aspen groves, forest openings Soil sandy-loamy Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 18-36 USDA Zones 2-4 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Bunchgrass Height (in) 20-48 Width (in) 18-36 Seeds per lb 450000 Lbs per acre 8-12
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information no pretreatment. plant outside spring or summer. plant to 1/4 inch deep.
Range of Festuca thurberi
Habitat Montane meadows, wet soil, sloughs Soil sandy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 2-6 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 40-60 Width (in) Seeds per lb 1280000 Lbs per acre 2-4
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information soak in water for 24 hours then 60-90 day cool moist stratification or plant outside in the fall keeping moist. plant on soil surface or to 1/16 inch deep. Takes 3-4 weeks to germinate
Range of Glyceria grandis
Habitat Plains-montane, wet soil Soil loamy-clayey Sun Full sun Annual Precip. (in) 20+ USDA Zones 2-9 Growth Season Cool Growth Form Sod forming Height (in) 8-40 Width (in) Seeds per lb 1600000 Lbs per acre 2-4
Cultivar Information none
Germination Information No pretreatment. Plant outside spring or summer. plant to 1/16 inch deep. Soaking in water for 24 hours before planting may increase germination
Pricing Range of Glyceria striata